the christian louboutin fanlisting


Welcome to The Sex is in the Heel, the official fanlisting for the world's sexiest shoes, Christian Louboutin. This is the only fanlisting for Christian Louboutin that's listed at The Fanlistings Network. The listing can be found under the Fashion/Beauty category. If you are a fan of the show, please join the list!

Member Updates

Members: 5 (from 2 countries)
Pending: 0
Last updated: 16th Mar 2024
Newest: Mina

Credits & Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with Christian Louboutin or anyone associated with them or with Monsieur Louboutin himself. It's nothing more than a humble fansite and no copyright infringement is intended. I also don't own the images used in the making of this site, they belong to their respective owners.
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