godsandheroes.net was born when I came up with the name to use for my icon archive on livejournal. I thought it was a well suited name as gods and heroes are often words affiliated with those you look up to and idolize and what better name to use for a collective of sites that are for people who are just that.I've been running fanlistings since 2006 when I opened my first fanlisting for Panic! at the Disco bassist, Jon Walker. Now 14 years later, I've accumulated quite a bit more since then. I'm very strategic when picking the fanlistings I want to own and there are still a few I'd love to own one day that are currently owned by other people. In 2012, I opened up my first real fan site. Now fanlistings are my main focus, and I retired my fan sites finding I didn't have the time to keep up with them. Before this domain, my fanlistings were housed at tokyobar.org (for 8 years!) until I decided to move over to this domain in 2012.
Livejournal • Twitter • Tumblr All images used are © to their respective owners. No infringement intended (if an image used is yours, please contact me and I will take it down immediately). Hosted by A Small Orange. Hand coded by Mariqueen, please respect my work and do not copy!
If you would like to affiliate, please feel free to email me (fanlisting collectives only, please!)
Please save to your own server and link back to http://godsandheroes.net